
3D BIM Model Benefit To MEP Contractors has brought evolution in the AEC Industry for bringing effectiveness in project management and coordinates among all the disciplines involved in a trade for construction projects.

By using data-rich models and information, construction traders in MEP discipline such as MEP Contractors, Consultants and Companies will be able to make precise decisions to filed construction and equipment installation.

3D BIM model has changed the way MEP contractors used to access critical data and identify clashes. It enables information access by everyone is accurate and updated as it will bring co-ordination in MEP, Architectural and Structural Model aspects.  Due to this, contractors and fabricators can get essential information which is required for completion of structures. This information can be used for streamlining the processes for maintaining the life cycle of structures from its design concept to construction concept.


Ways MEP Contractors benefit from BIM             

BIM helps to reduce risk and waste by connecting MEP workflow. It helps in streamlining the project deliveries from MEP Design system to detailing to installation. It aids in improving MEP Design quality, which creates a more detailed, accurate model, generates better estimates and reduces waste and costs in the project.

BIM helps to improve the quantity take-offs and estimation, which reduces resources by becoming more competitive in bidding building projects. By using 3D Scanners, point cloud data can be captured of the as-built model and can be used for final updation of as-built documentation.

By using BIM, the information related to wall assemblies, ceiling heights, pipe locations, electrical panel schedule, etc. can be accessed in the same model file. This model then allows the MEP Contractors to resolve conflicts within each discipline for field installation.

Identifying clashes after design layout is a time-consuming process for the construction traders, and it also impacts the 4D Scheduling Services leaving other construction professional to stay behind of target deadline. In a BIM Model, errors can be identified in Navisworks software; corrected and accurate adjustments can be made before finalizing the design for fabrication.

All the MEP elements in a project such as ductwork, plumbing pipes, electrical wires, etc. with other systems may create a conflict in BIM Coordination Services. By using BIM Model, it can automate the MEP elements activities using clash detection process. All type of clashes such as soft, hard and 4D workflow can be resolved in Clash Detection Services Model.

Information regarding ductwork CFM output, plumbing pipe diameter, gravity system pipe pitch, etc. can be achieved within the BIM Model either off-site or on-site construction.  All the accessed information helps in design, making it accurate and detects any errors in the design stage itself.


MEP Contractors can utilize BIM technology and transform the way they used to design and process the activities throughout the life-cycle of the construction project. They can coordinate with other disciplines effectively and manage the information flow among them. From the start of the planning stage to installation stage in BIM Model can help to identify clash and resolve them. The data of details in the MEP systems can be attained accurate and updated that save the resources and overall cost of the construction projects.

BIM Benefits For the Government

Despite mandates, BIM adoption in government has lagged its private sector counterparts. However, new data shows that BIM is poised for greater adoption across agency and construction projects, as well as into building operations.

It’s not surprising. BIM brings cost savings, breaks down silos that introduce time & cost-inefficiencies makes design exploration & visualization affordable, brings together disparate data to streamline projects, and streamlines the management of construction and infrastructure projects, as well as-built assets and installations.

Of course, BIM is about more than just buildings, It also solves many of the “doing more with less” problems that agencies struggle with across a number of use cases.

Here are some used cases solved by BIM in government:

BIM Benefits For the Government

  1. BIM Streamline Work-flows Between DOTs & Contractors:

When working on transportation infrastructure projects such as bridges & roads, many departments of transportation share responsibility for components of the projects with outside contractors. This can sometime lead to cumbersome & slow-moving design work-flows and a lot of manual effort to combine design information for the projects.

However, when you introduce BIM, it becomes much easier to share road & bridge models across teams, plus survey data can also be used with the need to convert or translate it. And, of course, with all the BIM models, any changes made to one aspect of the design, such as changes to the bridge design, automatically updates the road elevations too, hence making the process easy and hands -on.

  1. BIM for Flood Simulation & Prevention:

The extreme weather conditions taking place are becoming increasingly common, and are taking a significant toll on the world’s infrastructure. The complexity of flood repairs puts significant strain on state/country budgets. However, BIM tools such as model-based flood analysis and simulation can help engineers better gauge the impact of flooding on critical infrastructure.

BIM can also support projects designed for preventing flooding, like the river course correction. BIM helps engineers and designers in modeling, coordinating and planning each moving part of all the complex multidisciplinary projects for the centralization and clash-verification of 3D designs.

  1. BIM Reins in Facility Management Data Sprawl:

Building Information Modeling (BIM) enables government facilities managers to build a centralized repository of data which connects other systems – securely. Once you have an inventory of your space, who it’s used by, and what equipment is housed there, it makes it easier for scheduling maintenance, planning space consolidations, reducing energy usage and more.

  1. BIM Saves Money on Utilities Infrastructure:

As utilities drive some of the largest construction budgets, by applying the principles of BIM, when updating old and building new infrastructure, you can improve cost control and reduce construction waste below the typical 30% level.

  1. BIM Fosters Collaboration:

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”, said Helen Keller. And that’s one of the core tenets of BIM. Some of the biggest challenges for AEC teams and building owners can be solved through cloud-based BIM collaboration tools. For example, one in three AEC professionals say that using multiple software tools causes duplication of data. But with design collaboration in the cloud it’s easier to keep everyone on the same page and streamline BIM projects – in real time.

For more such interesting articles, keep reading..

Have a new BIM project? Contact us and discuss the project requirements with our team of experts. We will be glad to offer our services to  you.

Reasons To Adopt BIM

Building Information Modeling (BIM), or BIM, is quickly becoming the standard in building  and project design. This model-based approach is used for both communication and collaboration.

BIM is a software which is majorly used by architects, engineers and builders to design buildings

or any other complex construction model. BIM allows a designer to create, visualize and modify all the ‘digital models’ of  their building designs.

A BIM file is an information-rich collection of data that can be accessed and collaborated on by

different stake-holders – from t he design team to contractors. Construction engineers, and Owners. The implementation of BIM can save time &money, provide realistic models at every step of a project’s life-cycle, etc.

Reasons To Adopt BIM

Faster Project Delivery– BIM saves up to more than 50% of your time. It eliminates the design

changes in the later stages by using standard design elements for solving the complex construction

issues before the project goes on site, as to avoid clashes. BIM gives an additional advantage

of ‘automation within the model’ for checking the design integrity producing fabrication and

construction drawing for the data available.

Better Outcomes– All stakeholders like the architects, contractors and engineers are using a

single, \shared 3D model to work in collaborative relationships. This will ensure everyone’s focus

is on delivering the best out-put at every stage of the process.

  1. Optimized Solutions– By using the new modeling technologies of BIM, solutions can be optimized cost-effectively against all the agreed parameters.

Coordinate Steps & Processes– the 3D model can be used to create a set of sub-models to

represent each stage of the construction process. Some elements of these sub-models can

be set to update and evolve automatically, saving more time and effort in the design process.

Just as importantly, the sub-models can be saved and consulted by engineers, construction workers,

and other professionals during construction. This will give a detailed, accurate step-by-step guide to help ensure that all those meticulous plans and models are re-created accurately on the ground

  1. Enhanced Performance– BIM makes it possible for us to perform an accurate and swift and comparison of different and contrast design options, by enabling development of more efficient, cost-effective and sustainable solutions for everybody.
  2. Reduced Waste– BIM helps in reducing waste by a précised programmed schedule which ensures just-in-time delivery of both the materials and the equipment. More waste recovery and efficient handling of materials is also possible with the help of automated fabrication of equipment and components.
  3. Continual Improvement – BIM also gives regular and continuous information on feedback about the performances of all the processes and items of the equipment which are driving improvements on consequent projects.
  4. Stay in Control of Your Work – BIM Systems typically functions such as autosave and connections to a project history to ensure that additions and changes are never lost and that deleted or corrupted file need not be a disaster.

For more such interesting articles, keep reading..

Role of BIM

Manufacturing process refers to producing physical and tangible components that can be used

in different fields as a part or whole. This is one of the most cumbersome phases of the process.

However, as a manufacturer or a manufacturing company, it is very important to work towards

cost optimization and ROI available existing operations. With newer software, work-flow

methodologies and technologies coming to play, even the manufacturing industry can reap

benefits through an efficient and effective way of production. Today we will talk about the manufacturing process in the construction industry. There is the immense scope of using BIM in manufacturing

industries and several manufacturers are making a shift towards BIM using Revit content creation


Role of BIM

BIM or Virtual Construction Modeling is a wholesome process that was developed with a motto of improving overall building construction life-cycle. The goal is to ensure the development of a wholesome process that helps in collaborating building data or information with 3d visual geometry of a building structure. Such a process restructures the overall flow of information across all junctures of construction. Manufacturing is also indirectly a construction stage as the components that need to be installed are manufactured independently and is not interwoven within any construction phase. Hence it becomes very important to ensure how the manufacturers can utilize Building Information Modeling in their processes. Construction Companies use BIM Services in conceptual designing, analysis, costing, as built as well as facility management.
For Manufacturers to use BIM it is very important for the data or the components to be structured with all information necessary to produce them. The data has to be loaded with certain parameters like material type, color, properties, dimensioning etc. and be converted into the format so that it can be easily manufactured. Companies can also utilize BIM Modelling or BIM Content Creation to boost their product or component sales. Virtual Construction Modelling allows product designers or manufacturers to create standalone components or products which can be marketed and sold online as well.

Role of BIM

Revit family creation is one of the services that is actually useful for the manufacturing industry. The BIM Model and data actually are a conglomerate of multiple components and data within these components. The model in totality comprises of these components with specifications and the building is constructed by installing the prefabricated components. These components can be manufactured based on the BIM families created for the model. Each component is assigned a code and manufacturer spec which makes it easy to manufacture and supply both.
This process itself shows how BIM Modelling is influencing the manufacturing industry. With latest manufacturing techniques coming up lately, the RFA format can be actually fed in the CNC machines and a product or component can be manufactured exactly the way it is modeled. Manufacturers can avail the benefits of BIM Services by getting the following:

Using BIM content creation for their manufacturing requirements actually makes a manufacturer different from the rest today. In years to come, there may be a possibility of 80% of the companies using BIM. Currently, the one using BIM is extremely ahead of his detractors. Not every country or continent promotes BIM technology hence the utilization quotient is less. However, countries like UK and Ireland which has mandatory BIM requirements for all the Government projects are definitely moving in a positive direction.

The best part of using BIM content is that the manufacturer’s requirement of the specifications can be inculcated in the design intent and issue for construction model prior to the finalization of the design. This makes the overall analysis process extremely productive and accurate for the product designer and the manufacturer. Before manufacturing the product all the specifications will be “approved” by the final authority. Any issues in the sizes, shapes or other specifications will be discussed and resolved before the components are ordered. This eliminates chances of material wastage which helps in cost control and budgeting.
Integration of the manufacturer and product data within the BIM Modelling or overall BIM construction process helps in achieving excellent ROI and achieving quick turnaround time.  The data that is derived can be used right from the conceptual design model through facility management. The same data can be later used for maintenance of the building. Re-ordering, servicing of the equipment can all be managed in a structured way if the manufacturer is a BIM user.

The advantage of using BIM are many and the manufacturing industry can benefit tremendously thus increasing the overall productivity, minimizing the cost and reduced time-lines.

Have a new BIM project? Contact us and discuss the project requirements with our team of experts. We will be glad to offer our services to  you.

Different Stages of MEP

MEP BIM Co-ordination is an extremely important step during the construction stage of any project. This process helps in ascertaining the accuracy of the designing and modeling part for ensuring a seamless process of construction. It is important to validate the design during the BIM coordination stage to ensure that the elements between Architectural, Structural and MEP discipline do not clash with each other. It is very essential during the pre-construction phase to make certain that the architectural design and structural framework of the building, does not interfere or clash with its Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing (MEP) or Fire Protection systems. Let us take an overview of the overall MEP coordination process.

Different Stages of MEP

Step 1: Study of Design Drawings and Architectural/Structural Plans

MEP consultants and contractors essentially provide single-line drawings to the companies providing BIM services, to work on BIM coordination Modelling. These drawings along with the architectural and structural plans are reviewed thoroughly and modeled in 3D. RFI’s are raised in case of any queries or incomplete information. The 3D BIM Model is built based on these drawings.  Furthermore, the MEP specifications are investigated and based on the outcome of the entire plan for the MEP BIM coordination process is defined.

Step 2: 3D Model Creation

With the help of the 2D CAD Drawings received from the consultant, MEP BIM modeling is accomplished. It is important that the BIM company working on the project has its full focus on building an accurate 3D model and thoroughly follow the specification. An accurately built virtual model is extremely important for validating the design perfectly. This model reflects all the Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing services within the architectural and structural models of the building. This MEP 3D model forms the basis for BIM Coordination and further drawings that are required for construction.

Step 3: 3D BIM Coordination and Interference check

Finally post the modeling of the HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, and Fire protection modeling they are aligned with the Architectural and Structural Models to perform 3D BIM Coordination. This linked model is opened in Navisworks and a clash report is extracted. Based on the extracted clash reports, the BIM Coordination Experts differentiate the clashes based on the complexity and effect it may have on final construction. A collaborative meeting is then held with the Architects, Structural Design Engineers, MEP Consultants, Contractor, and the BIM company to finalize solutions to resolve these clashes. Based on the decision taken during the coordination meeting, further changes are made to the model. Interference checks also help in validating the designs to a great extent. Design inconsistencies that are identified during the process can be rectified with alternative corrective actions. BIM Coordination Services is one of the most sought-after services in the end to end BIM solution tangent.

Step 4: Developing Coordinated Drawings and Sections

Once the BIM coordination process is completed, we can extract MEP Installation Drawings from the model. These drawings can be verified for the horizontal and vertical coordination cum clearance. These sets present the layout of the individual services, the details, the dimensions and other call outs to provide clarity to the onsite contractor. These coordinated drawings act as a ready reference for individual service-by-service drawings. Also, sections, elevations, and isometric views are taken from the 3D Model to detail the layouts.

Step 5: Creating Detailed Service Drawings

The detailed service drawings are required for site installation purposes.  These drawings constitute every single service-by-service drawings with details related to their sizes, heights, and distances from grid-lines imparting better clarity.

Step 6: Creating Fabrication Drawings, Spool, and Hanger Drawings

In case the client is in the requirement of fabrication drawings, the model should be created in the LOD 400 detailing. Fabrication drawings are generated from individual services. Latest Revit versions support fabrication and have eliminated the use of old conventional 2D detailing a method for fabrication. These drawings constitute the fabrication details for ductwork that can be directly identified by the CNC machines for production objective. Furthermore, spool drawings can be generated by further detailing the elements of the model.  Also, hangars can be mapped out and detailed.

Different Stages of MEP

MEP BIM Co-ordination when performed with accuracy and diligent helps in seamless and accurate completion of the project. Clients who have used BIM vouch for a correct and smooth sailing construction process devoid of delays, cost overruns, and abrupt design changes.

Architects are the building blocks of any society. If it were not for the Architects, we would not have seen beautiful and strong infrastructure around us. Environment friendly buildings, space utilization and technical advancement etc. are thought about and implemented by Architects. How is this possible? As we all know being a qualified Architect and a skilled Architect are two different aspects. There are specific qualities that one should possess to be a good design Architect.

Ability to Visualize

This is one of the key skill that can take the Architects places. If you do not have a visualization power or an ability to imagine you cannot excel within this field. Construction of some of the most magnificent buildings prove this theory. The ability to imagine and portray complex design is very important. There are multiple software that allow an Architect to get a complete 3D geometry of an abstract design. All of it can be derived from visualization skills. Quantum of information that is present in a design drawing or 3d Model depends on the Architect’s ability to imagine.   Space utilization part is also dependent on the Architect’s ability to design and offer maximum utilization with minimum space.

Understanding the building codes and standards

It is vital for the Architect to have a clear understanding of the building standards and codes according to the geographical locations. Even the aesthetics should be developed based on the geographical location and local taste of the people. We cannot have flat roof in areas receiving heavy snowfall.  Also the color shades, landscape, furnishing, wall types, glass type etc. should reflect the overall climatic conditions and location specific style. Every country has a typical taste and interior specifications which the Architect has to keep in mind while designing the project. Apart from these elements, the building standards and design codes that are specific for that location has to be kept in mind while designing any building to avoid construction approval issues.

Utilization of technology

Another important aspect is using appropriate and latest technologies for accomplishment of the project. Post digital revolution, even construction and Architectural Design projects are now technology dependent. Previously Architects designed conceptually using the sketching technique, today right from conceptual design through Architectural Construction Drawings, we use software like Revit, ArchiCAD etc. With the help of Virtual Construction Modelling, Architects can work on Architectural BIM Modelling and create multiple design options for residences, apartments, single family homes etc. Even commercial premise designing, complex hotels and resorts etc. can be executed under the flagship of Architectural BIM Services. Construction Documents that Architects develop for onsite construction can also be completed using Revit leading to easy last minute changes, presentation in 2D and 3D both.

By using digital platforms, an Architect can differentiate himself from the rest of the crowd. This can be a unique selling point for his work and can help him deliver projects with speed along with accuracy. Some of the Architectural projects that can be accomplished with the software and technology includes 3D floor plans, 3D rendering services, Architectural BIM Modelling, Revit Construction Drawings etc. 

Ability to multi-task and coordinate

Multitasking and ability to coordinate with different teams is a very important aspect for being a good Architect.  You can never be all in one Architect even with 10 years’ experience. The innate ability to cooperate and get work done through multiple agencies is very important. Since this is a BIM era, having a collaborative approach is very important.  Since Virtual Design Construction promotes collaborative meetings for accurate clash detection, BIM Coordination to eliminate issues before construction, Architects have to be open to suggestions and ideas. Not working with a cohesive approach can be devastating for an Architect’s profession.

Soft Skills

Being an Architect comes with a lot of responsibilities in terms of project execution and communication. As we already discussed the importance of having a collaborative approach, the importance of having good communication, presentation and negotiation skills cannot be overruled.  It is imperative that the Architects are able to converse with the client assertively on the issues, design and pricing. The communication is such that the clients are able to understand the design intent clearly and understand the value the design brings to their construction process. Project success depends a lot on the integration of ideas and the want of the end client.    It is very important that Architect possesses excellent communication skills, power point or presentation abilities and creativity to present architects need soft skills for presenting projects, integrating ideas, and accepting feedback positively.

Integrated thought process

The synchronization of thinking creatively in lies of the project execution is the core requirement to be a successful Architect. Adding design value to the project with best possible space utilization, costing and minimum wastage of resources will put your name on the top. How to present enormous amount of information in a single project with a seamless vision is what is called design thinking.

Design Presentation skills

This is the final and important skill set that needs emphasis. Along with proper designing the ability to present the designs with proper layout, illustrations, layering, dimensions etc. is very important. If the presentation is not appropriate a great design value will not make any sense. Today with such exemplary technical advancement enhancing your design is not a difficult task at all. You can create a conceptual sketch and transform it into a photorealistic site or present even the utilities of a building design using 3D rendering techniques, Architectural BIM Modelling etc. With the help of 2D and 3D floor plans etc. clients as well as contractors can get a real idea through a virtual medium.  Making your design idea look the best will differentiate you as a good Architect from just an Architect.




Benefits of BIM

Drastic improvements have been witnessed in the growth and development of AEC Industry

(Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry) after the evolution, adoption and

implementation of various Building Information Modeling services in the construction business.

The project execution strategy which is adopted by the BIM users includes the application of unique

tools and techniques which results into constructive project outcomes. A variety of BIM services which

are executed earlier in project life-cycle with the assistance of building design and project

review applications help in minimizing the project complications.

BIM’s benefits for different building stakeholders:

Building Information Modeling provides huge benefits for all the building stakeholders such as

design team, manufactures and clients as it increases their
productivity drastically.

Coming to the design team they get maximum benefits due to information retrieval,

coordination, collaboration and increased visualization all of which are facilitated by BIM

In this way the design team, manufacturers or clients can be successfully benefited by BM if it is used effectively.

Scan to BIM services are applicable in architecture, mechanical,electrical, structural, plumbing, and other disciplines which might require a much faster way for tendering the model of the structure. These services can assist in covering the surface structure and tracing from point cloud data. It can also provide point cloud to BIM – 4D for scheduling, 5D for cost estimation, 7D for facility management, and 6D for sustainability optimization. The providers of such services are able to scan the structure and make results compatible with the software they are comfortable with.

Projects and plans which involves renovation and retrofitting, can be benefited from laser scanning, which is used for recording each-&- every aspect and feature of a structure for producing an accurate model. Scan to BIM has revolutionized the way builders are working on their projects – especially when retrofitting or renovating old buildings, as the plans of these structures may be unavailable or have already been lost.

With Scan to BIM, you can capture all the detailed information about the building without any need for looking at the old plans and drawings. In this way, the Scan to BIM service enables accurate and precise usage of data. It also helps in speeding up the completion process of the project, by eliminating all the guesswork involved in determining an the structure of old building. This service will help you measure points in the scan to find the true dimensions of the building/ structure, and you can also import or export the data in the format which your software supports. Scan to BIM is also useful in reading the survey data which is meant for as-built conditions.

With this service, building renovations can be carried out safely and efficiently without affecting the original structure’s integrity.

Importance of Sustainable Building

Now days, sustainable building design has become a necessity across the world. It is very

important for us to make proper use of natural resources and save the remaining natural

resources of the world.

Sustainable Development – For making a sustainable building design, each and every stage of

the design development should be considered closely by all the architects, engineers and other

design as well as construction professionals. It is of utmost importance that a construction project

should be implemented with proper certification, such as, US Green Building Council (USGBC).

There are some processes which also verifies whether a building design has achieved the targeted

energy efficiency or optimal performance goals or not.

The main purpose of developing a sustainable building design is for maximizing the operational

efficiency and minimizing the environmental impact significantly.

Quality Assurance (QA) – QA for a construction project is performed by commissioning. This process is carried out for ensuring that the project design, installation and operation of building system has been done according to the certification requirements and performance level goals. This is because it is very important for the building system to provide comfort to its inhabitants, enhance performance, improve indoor air quality along with building energy efficiency.

Importance of Sustainable Building

For minimizing the environmental impact, the professionals take into consideration all the following facts while developing a sustainable building design –

So it is very important to develop accurate sustainable design otherwise it will affect the building performance and cause it to increase expanses significantly

Outsourcing of Shop Drawings is cost effective for Contractors and Manufacturers

AEC digital solutions LLC, a leading shop drawings outsourcing services provider collaborates

with manufacturers and contractors to provide cost effective shop drawings solutions.

Shop Drawings are an important part of every construction project. They provide accurate information related to each aspect of the pre-fabricated components of the project to be designed. Quality

shop drawings contain accurate representations of a product and the information i.e. dimensions

and specifications that are needed by the architect or engineer to develop that product. Once you have ensured that the information compiled in shop drawings is accurate, the project success is guaranteed.

Shop drawings communicate how well a contractor or manufacturer has understood the design

intent and forms the submittals that are sent to the architect or engineer for approval. Moreover, they require proficiency in the use of computer aided design (CAD) tools and expensive CAD software. For these reasons, contractors and manufacturers prefer to outsource the drafting work. Outsourcing

shop drawings drafting to a professional CAD designer ensures accurate drafting and avoids

inaccuracies that can otherwise lead to mass errors in the final product. Outsourcing also proves to

be cost effective as setting up an entire department to design shop drawings and purchasing CAD tools involves high costs.

AEC digital solutions LLC, a leading BIM services and shop drawings outsourcing services provider collaborates with manufacturers and contractors to provide cost effective shop drawings solutions. Our shop drawings translate the design concepts into a detailed fabrication road map. We draft shop drawings that solve connection issues by recommending details that work based on a comprehensive knowledge of our components and how things work on the jobsite. For example, an accurately designed BIM wall system lets a large percentage of material to be pre-cut to precise dimensions off-site. This results in considerable labour and material savings.

AEC digital solutions LLC follows customized approach and processes for clients to fit into their requirements and workflows. Experienced project managers, who are responsible for the delivery of projects to predefined quality standards, manage our projects. The designated project manager assesses the requirements, construction specifications and standards to be followed for that particular project. Post this, a well-defined project flow is determined to decide the responsibilities and turnaround schedules of the team members. Multiple quality checks are done to ensure the delivery of accurate standards.

About AEC digital solutions LLC

Headquartered in USA, AEC Digital Solutions LLC is a leading outsourced service provider in CAD and BIM (Revit and Bentley) having a global presence and operations in India. It offers BIM Modelling and support services such as BIM Studio, Virtual Design & Construction, BIM Content Creation, Commercial Kitchen Layout & Content Creation, Scan to BIM, BIM Integration and Documentation services. The team comprises of seasoned professionals – Architects and Engineers, having an average BIM experience of 8 years.